Diversity in Research Content

Considering sex/gender and other diversity aspects like e.g. age, ethnicity, culture, etc. has been recognized as relevant for new scientific insights. Therefore, it has become a requirement by default for the Horizon Europe programme. Examples are outlined in the second “Gendered Innovations” policy report.

Scientists have been criticised that their research questions and/or conclusions have been driven by biases and a lack of reflection, e. g. by extrapolating results achieved with one group of research subjects compared to other groups in disregard of potential differences between these groups. This neglect has led to the request to consider diversity in research more carefully, e. g. for research relevant for medical treatments or societal applications.

This toolkit guides you through the research process with six chapters:

    1. What is your Focus?
    2. What does the literature reveal in terms of diversity?
    3. Are concepts and models suitable for integrating diversity?
    4. Are different interpretations of your results conceivable?
    5. What research design will lead to new insights?
    6. Does the diversity of the research team match the requirements?

The chapters are summarized in the HBP Research Guideline which offers you additionally some basic definitions as well as an overview on the literature.

Our 30 Minute Video “of Mice, Men and Machines” is an introduction with practical examples from brain research and AI.

In the webinar “Diversity in brain research: Does it matter?” moderated by Prof. Katrin Amunts, invited speakers Prof. Lutz Jäncke and Dr. Frances-Catherine Quevenco, who is part of the Women’s Brain Project, discussed recent findings and different viewpoints on how and when sex/gender differences in brain research are relevant. The Human Brain Project also presented the winners of our Diversity In Research Paper Awards (DIRPA), who outlined their own research results and joined the discussion:

More information

Research Canvas

The c2d4 Diversity in Research Canvas below shows how diversity aspects can be considered in all steps of the research process.

Videos on Diversity in Research

Learn more about the role of diversity in research in these videos

Research Guidelines

The Research Guidelines offer you support for considering diversity in your research content and methodological approaches.

  • Grasenick K. (2019): Research Guideline. Diversity and Gender Sensitive Research Projects. A guideline for sex, gender and diversity in research projects providing guiding questions, examples, and references to literature for research activities with a focus on neuroscience and related fields. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5575846
  • Grasenick K., Kleinberger-Pierer M., Pilinger A. (2020): Taking Diversity in Research Project into account. How to make it work. A Handbook for researchers in Technology and Natural Sciences. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3217/978-3-85125-753-3-en