A hand putting a vote into a box

Design (s)election procedures

Karin Grasenick | 29 September 2021

The following checklist documents an ideal (s)election process, with the aim to ensure that suitable candidates are not overlooked but encouraged. The most suitable candidate for the specific position can be identified by considering and reflecting on how to overcome potential obstacles. For further details, consult the HBP Talent Guideline (Grasenick, 2019), offering the following guiding questions for the process design, and a template to evaluate candidates.

Process to announce an open position and to (s)elect a candidate

Description, Required Competences, and Resources Needed

  • Is there a clear description which tasks must be fulfilled?
  • Does the description include the competences expected from the candidates?
  • Does the description include the time and finances needed to fulfil the tasks?
  • Are the rules for (s)election procedures transparently defined?

Announcement and Access

  • Is it clear who should be considered for the position and how diverse potential candidates could be? (e. g. based data on project staff or statistics)
  • Have representatives for the diversity of applicants or candidates given feedback how they perceive the announcement (e.g. by different gender, age, nationality)?
  • Are the position and the (s)election process announced broadly via various networks to ensure that candidates are reached and encouraged to apply?
  • Is there a standardised template for applicants to apply and present themselves
    (CV, motivational letter, presentations)?

Preselection (if applicable)

  • Are those who preselect candidates trained in considering potential biases?
  • Is the number of preselected candidates kept rather large then small?
  • Is the process documented and justified?


  • Is the jury, board, or group involved in the (s)election diverse?
  • Do jury or board members know how to counteract potential biases?
  • Has each candidate the same opportunity to represent herself/himself?
  • Is the interview process based on a standardised template (if applicable)?
  • Is the process of decision finding facilitated by an expert (if applicable, e.g. to reflection on potential biases, same questions for every candidate?)

Documentation, Reflection, Improvement

  • Is the process documented (diversity of applicants, experts involved in decision finding, justification of decisions, …) and reflected against potential biases?


Grasenick, Karin (2019): Talent Guideline: “I don’t care who they are, I just want the best person.” DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5236298